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Korg Micro XL

Written By joeneva on Saturday, August 27, 2011 | 6:28 AM

XL Micro Korg synthesizer that consists of 8 modern voice continued success as a Micro Korg synthesizer mini first present in Indonesia several years ago.

Micro XL still apply the concept of mini synthesizer with 37 keys mini-facilities. At Micro XL was designed on the development of technology derived from the Korg synthesizer Radias and R3. Although the mini-sized, Micro XL has the power of large synthesizers and professional appliances.

This type of mini synthesizer that can also be activated by 6 x AA battery power make this keyboard more practical and easy to carry anywhere. In addition to the requirements stage, Micro XL can also be used for needs outside the recording studio as a synthesizer (tone generator) and the controller.

Korg Micro XL is equipped with two oscillators, each oscillator provides a traditional waveform (such as the SAW wave, sine, triangle, square wave) and a number of PCM sound, Fomant and DWGS (adopted from a classic synthesizer Korg DW series). Not surprisingly, if the device mini synth sound is rich with modern nan so Micro XL can be applied to various types of musical arrangement, like the modern Rock, Emo, Dance music pop to progressive rock.
6:28 AM | 0 komentar

How To make Breadcrumbs

Written By joeneva on Friday, August 5, 2011 | 10:43 PM

How To make Breadcrumbs

Did you already know about Breadcrumbs? many people say that the breadcrumbs can make the blog more SEO friendly. Breadcrumbs is a small navigation to indicate the location of the article is located.

Breadcrumbs are usually located above the post title, then from that, this time "how to trick" will provide a trick to create or add Breadcrumbs on the post title.
Please follow these steps:
1. Log in to your Blogger account, go to "Design" and select Edit HTML.
2. check "Expand Widget Templates" and then copy the following code:
.breadcrumbs{float:left;width:100%; font-size:11px;color:#000; border-bottom:1px solid #B40404; margin:1px 0 3px; padding:0 0 2px 0px;display:block}
3. Enter (paste) the above code before the tag ]]></ b: skin>
4. Next, locate the code

<div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template'>
or the like.
5. after that copy the code below and paste below code was
<b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl == data:blog.url'> <b:else/> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> <div class='breadcrumbs'> Browse &#187; <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a> &#187; <b:if cond='data:post.labels'><b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'> <a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'><data:label.name/></a> <b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'> , </b:if> </b:loop> </b:if> &#187; <data:post.title/> </div> </b:if> </b:if>
 6. last. save your template

good luck.....
10:43 PM | 0 komentar

computer education

Written By joeneva on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 | 1:25 AM

computer education

Youth education in shaping human resource potential is the key to the progress of a nation. The essence of education itself (whether official or not) is basically a process of information transfer and values ​​that exist.

During this process occurs, experience and ability to reason / infer a person gets better. The end result of a process of education is the creation of someone who could stand alone, working and never stop to learn and develop what you've earned.

We argue that the barriers that exist generally revolve around the "do not know it was love". Overcoming these problems, particularly related to computer education will be discussed in this paper.
1:25 AM | 0 komentar

how to tie a tie

how to tie a tie

If you are a man in need right to wear a tie every day, surely you already know how to tie a tie is well and good.

But not everyone is able to tie a tie with a nice and neat, but neatness of the way we dress is one that shows our character.

OK, now "how to trick" will show a picture of a way to tie a tie or a nice and look neat.

look at the picture below.

may be useful...
12:53 AM | 0 komentar

Get Free Banklink Every Day

Written By joeneva on Saturday, July 23, 2011 | 8:12 PM

Get Free Banklink Every Day
This is one of the most popular ways to get free backlinks. you must already know what the benefits of having lots of backlinks, if your blog has a lot of backlinks, do not require the possibility blog, you can occupy the top 10 in google search,

How to get free backlinks every day, this is the way which is often used by the master SEO in optimizing their blogs. Actually there are many more tricks to get thousands and even tens of thousands of free backlinks. It will be discussed in the next post.

For a newbie who wants to learn SEO like me, this trick is very useful for me to start optimizing my blog.

OK with it.
trick to get free backlinks every day, from socialmonkee. if you are already registered, please log in directly, if you have not registered please register first or click here to register (free). after you register, you just could not submit your link to get these free backlinks.

if you are "free member" you can only submit to it a link every day to get 25 free backlinks, if you upgrade your members, you can download submt's three different links for each 100 banklink free.

interested? good luck
8:12 PM | 0 komentar

How to create blog content with ease

Written By joeneva on Friday, July 22, 2011 | 6:39 AM

how to create blog content with ease

Provide a list of blog content in my opinion is very important for a blogger, because it is one way to increase inbound links in our blog so that our blog is more optimized.

besides this, giving a list of contents on our blogs are also useful for promoting our previous posts so that visitors can read our previous posts.
Besides providing a list of the contents of the blog, you can also provide the related article in the post, it also aims to improve the SEO blog,

list view the content of the blog that we will create something like this:

Simply, to create a list of blog content with ease, please follow these steps:
1. Log into your blogger account
2. Choose the layout / layout
3. Select add gadgets
4. Select the HTML / javascript.
5. Give title list to the content or the title to your liking
5. copy-paste the code below

<div style="overflow:auto;width:490px;height:180px;padding:10px;border:1px solid #eee"><script style="text/javascript" src="http://sites.google.com/site/barajajs/listofcontent/contents.js"></script><script src="http://howto-trick.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?max-results=9999&alt=json-in-script&callback=loadtoc"></script>
http://howto-trick.blogspot.com/: replace with your blog address

550px: Replace width according to your desired, adjust the template

180px: Change her height to your liking

6. Then save and put it to your liking.

good luck.
6:39 AM | 0 komentar

Webmaster Education

Webmaster Education

Previously, I want to thank all the visitors who have been willing to stop at my blog is ugly. comments, criticism with the suggestion is that I expect from all visitors. If someone said that my blog is ugly, it's okay, I will accept and try to fix my ugliness of this blog.

OK just go ahead, judging from the title of my post this time, I will describe some tips and tricks about education webmaster. Actually I own is in fact not a webmaster, but I just wanted to share the experience to all visitors in need.

Maybe for the webmaster, tips and tricks in my blog are just tricks of children who did not use to the master, but if for people who want to learn, maybe all the posts that are here less useful.

Honestly, I'm also new to learn, and I am not a webmaster. all the tricks that are here replicate my results from people who are smarter than me and I just developed it alone.

I just wish all the visitors happy with my post, and beneficial to all of you,

If my friends all want to learn to modify the blog so as webmaster blog, please read the article about the webmaster or click here.

may be useful.
6:22 AM | 0 komentar

free apps

Written By joeneva on Saturday, July 16, 2011 | 7:58 PM

this time I will give you various collection of apps for your java phone. This unique application is very useful to complement existing programs in your phone. and all that are here can be downloaded for free.

If you want apps to your computer, please look at other artikle, there is also the densest collection of computer apps which can be downloaded for free.
7:58 PM | 0 komentar

how to trick to increase traffic blog

how to trick to incrase traffic
t = v1 + v2, Tricks to increase traffic to quickly and naturally

Assalamualaikum ...
Fellow netter and gentlemen, There is a philosophy that says "Honesty is the Best Policy (Honesty is the political / best strategy)", we will prove whether the concept of honesty with this .... though we can generate traffic and greater popularity of the concept of complex expert webmaster or SEO expert ..?... I am sure this could be the origin of the following concepts in run correctly ..., if this be implemented on your website or blog in accordance with the:

Your web traffic will be flooded with visitors a remarkable day in and day out, without needing to worry about SEO or tired every related promotion places in the world of the Internet.

Web you will be flooded backlink extraordinary day after day, without bothering to hunt link control every aspect of world where the Internet

If Albert Einstein's equation E = mc2 use to combine the potential and the speed of light to produce nuclear energy was incredible, then we will use the equation t = v1 + v2 to incorporate web potential I and your web traffic and popularity to generate exceptional anyway.

If Einstein used the atomic plutonium and uranium to make nuclear bombs, then we use the honesty and accuracy to make a bomb of this traffic and popularity.

Below are the steps you need to do.
So, please read carefully and apply correctly ....!!
1. Create a post articles as I post this, or copy-paste this post and also given the title: t = v1 + v2, How to increase traffic and popularity quickly and naturally

2. Next Copy or create SENTENCE SAKTI which is under the number 4 is then put on your website on the most easily viewed by visitors, for example at the top of the sidebar:

3. change a link or post the url address I (here-1) replaces the url address of colleagues I (here-2).
-To know I am posting the url address and post that you can make is by clicking on the title / title of this post that we make.

4. Then fill in the url address of your posts on here-1 earlier. So you do publish (publish) 2 times, after posting is completed you created and published, and then you click on the title (title) post to mengambbil / copy the url address of your posts from your browser address bar, then you edit again earlier posts and entries on the link here-1's.

Here are the words "mantra" you need to plug in your web part (after the change in its url link in accordance with the above)

"Want to increase traffic and visitors your web popularity fast and unlimited ...?...
Leave it to me ..., I'll do it for you FREE ...!.. Click here and here-1-2 "

-So after SENTENCE SAKTI put this on your website then: if the meg-click here-1 will link to your post, and if you click here-2 will link to posts I am ... and so it continues to occur the eye unbroken chain like that ...

-Here are two links: links (the web link I am now) and I link (web link partners I have now). Then replace (address) "your link" with "your website link url" and "My link to the web url link I" (My colleagues in the delete link).

your link: http://howto-trick.blogspot.com/2011/07/how-to-trick-to-increase-traffic-blog.html

My link: http://mobilephoneinfonews.blogspot.com/2011/06/tricks-to-increase-traffic-to-quickly.html

5. Completed, prepare a counter tracker and link checker such as Sitemeter and Technorati to see the results flood your web traffic and linkback.

What is t = V1 + t2 ...?
t: Number of traffic that will get your website in one day
v1: Number of visitors to your website in one day
v2: Number of visitors who have v1 (visitors of your web visitors) in one day.

For example, I have this web or your website in one day had an average of 50 people .. visitors, and all of them apply this concept (SENTENCE SAKTI) correctly, and 50 people from each of the 50 people also visitors from his blog , then the web we will have the opportunity to visit 50 plus 50 x 50 people on that day = 2550 people, and will likely continue to increase as well day after day, because every day there are always new visitors in the Internet world, every day there is also a blogger or a new web in the internet world ... PROVE!

For example, our web visitors have 50 people in a day, and all are applying this concept, then in today's web you will get 100 linkback to your website, a link to SENTENCE SAKTI and a link on the link I in multiply 50. and will likely continue to increase day by day ....

Why need to create links and link your link on a post I ...?
... This is to maintain the immortality of our links, because as we know the link to the post less likely erased ....

Can we do not fair or not fair sabotage this concept, such as "remove all links of origin" and fill in the web / blogs we own ...? .... Yes, and this concept will not prove to be a maximum Honesty is a strategy / best politics ..... But I am sure that we all do not want to derail yourself by doing something cheap like that ...

May be useful
Sharing Science
sources http://mobilephoneinfonews.blogspot.com/2011/06/tricks-to-increase-traffic-to-quickly.html
6:34 PM | 0 komentar

how to kiss

Kiss is one thing that must be felt when dating for young people today, if you are young people who have been dating and want to know how to kiss, this time I'll give trick how to kiss.

A kiss would be better if a little wet your lips when kissing. You can wet the lips with your tongue. Do not use lip gloss, because it will make the kiss too gooey. And do not use thick lipstick, unless you want your partner to use it finished kissing. : D We recommend using a lipstick that's good that not too many scars. His lips are slightly damp makes it easy to move your lips to your partner and give you an amazing experience.

Fresh breath is something very important. I never thought that someone wanted to be invited to smooch with the smell of bad breath. Make sure you have brushed your teeth before going out ...: D If you eat or maybe smoking before kissing session, make sure you have a menthol and chew gum after you finish eating. Never think that you are chewing on while kissing, I'm sure you do not want something in your mouth at the moment.

Open your mouth slightly and place your lips over your partner's lips. One thing you need to remember, do not hold your breath! You let me out of breath at your lips interlock. Breathe with your nose. When your lips inherent, press gently. You may wish to move his lips slowly, and in turning around or keep it on your partner's lips. Discover which one is best for you and your partner., Follow your heart and enjoy the moment.

Many ways to use your hands during kissing. The most popular way is to hug your partner with one hand on the waist and another one in the middle of your partner's back. Another way is to place both your hands on both cheeks of your partner, move towards your partner's neck, then down towards the waist, hold your partner's arm gently.
5:39 PM | 1 komentar

how to email settings on the phone

Written By joeneva on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 | 6:54 PM

trick email settings on the phone

First you must have a yahoo account
If you do not have a list yet, if you already have please follow the steps below:

If you already have an account go to:
MENU> MESSEGING> EMAIL> SETTING select (example yahoo)
-New Account
* ACCOUNT NAME: yahoo mobile

* CONNECT USING: your operator, eg: xlgprs, t-selgprs etc.

eva_cute@yahoo.co.id (full email)

= Pop3, (for. Co.id)
= IMAP4, (for. Com)

* Incoming Server:
= pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk (for yahoo.co.id)
= imap.n.mail.yahoo.com (for yahoo.com)

* USERNAME: suppose =

* PASSWORD: fill in your e-mail password

* Outgoing Server:
= Plus.smtp.mail.yahoo.com (for yahoo.co.id)
= Smtp.mobile.mail.yahoo.com (for yahoo.com)

(The default is filled only)

= Eva yuliastri

(Text when making an email message, his Ordinary in an existing SE phone by Sony Ericcson)

select the email you received perial only or limited to messages

* PASSWORD: your email password

* Incoming PORT:
= 110 (for yahoo.co.id)
= 143 (for yahoo.com)

* Outgoing PORT: 25
yahoo.co.id or. com is the same outgoing port
The other is up, Good luck good luck
6:54 PM | 0 komentar

trick edit photoshop

trick edit photoshop

this time I will give you a little trick to edit images with photoshop, if when you go to the cafe, usually you must be very distress when they want to upload your photos to your social networks, like facebook and twitter, before uploaded you want to edit first. but the cafe is no program Photoshop. what would you do?

It is one of the problems that are often experienced if you want menngedit photo in a cafe. if you have had problems like that, you do not need to worry, because there can still edit your photos without using photoshop softwere. namely by using the provider's site or photo editing images online.

we can edit the photos like when we edit using photoshop, his name is Pixlr, superiority similar to photoshop, tools that are also similar to photoshop, if you want to try, please go directly to the site that is in pixlr.com

however, this has a few weaknesses Pixlr is a little slow karen must connect to the internet to run the program.

thanks and good luck.
6:15 PM | 0 komentar

google trick

(All of these techniques can be read at: Google). These ways is to keep google displays the results as specific as possible, in accordance with our keywords. tricks so that the keywords we are looking for we can meet more specific.

* Tip 1: Use plain and use Power Search / Advanced Search

The first tip is to use regular google. Enter the keywords that we are looking for. To find more specific results, use the Advanced Search / Advanced Search

* Tip 2: Determine Key Word Order

For tercari successive word (or phrase is called), use quotation marks technique:

For example: "tempe penyet"

You can also use more than one group phrase

For example: "cute girl" "city bandung"
For example: "that cute girl"

* Tip 3: Determining File Format

To format / certain file types, you can add words

[Katatercari] filetype: formatfile or

[Katatercari]. Formatfile

for example: "stock exchange" filetypeDF <= sorry I made I'll not stick its big
more example: "financial statements". doc

using this way then the file will be displayed is only the files with the format you specify only.

Next to the file format you can choose as listed below:

o Microsoft Word Document =>. doc
o Portable Document Format =>. pdf
o Microsoft Power Point Slide =>. pps
o Microsoft Power Point Presentation =>. ppt
o Microsoft Excel =>. xls
o Text Format =>. txt
o Rich Text Format =>. rtf
o Compiled HTML Help Modules =>. chm
o etc. in accordance with the file extension

Try to type in google search bar said this word:
cock filetype: doc

But you do not expect to find the file format. Mp3, wav files or audio and video this way. Google has done to this road block to avoid piracy. But you can still find it on search sites Altavista.com
But with google too we can still find the tips that will be explained in more detail below ..

* Tip 4: Determine File title

You can also specify the title of the file you are looking for, by adding the words

intitle: keyword

Here's an example:

intitle: to explore outer space

Intitle word can be replaced by allintitle

* Tip 5: Determining the definition of a term

Use words define: the word sought to define certain terms. Then google will find sites that define the term.

example: define: schizophrenia

* Tip 6: Allocate a search on a particular location

Allocate a search on a particular site can be done in the following ways:

o If the site where the search was clearly the name of the host
You can use the word site: words in the search

Example: "earthquake" site: detik.com

o If the name of the site is still vague

Use the inurl: search term

Examples of "rita effendy" site: multiply.com / music

* Tip 7: Use the index of a directory in a host web server

The technique makes use of a webserver directories with open permissions on a site indexed by google. You can also search for music, books, video, iso, and others here Hip Huraa

What happens on the google page if we do typing like this?

intitle: "index of" mp3 "Bryan Adams"

Yes, we can write intitle: "index of" word tercari
Tercari said that you can fill:
o iso
o ebook or book
o mp3, or wav or mp3g or avi or audio etc.
o tgz, zip, etc.

* Tip 8: Use Google's cached page for death

Death page is a page that no longer exists / has been erased or changed, but still indexed by google as a whole page. Character is if we are looking for, Google can get a result on the page, but that page can not be opened.
Thus we can use copy / cache. Thus we will take back the pages stored on google.

actually there are many more tips and tricks on google search, so if you want to know more please search on google.
5:45 PM | 1 komentar

how to remove readmore on the page

Written By joeneva on Monday, July 11, 2011 | 9:29 PM

how to remove readmore on the page
I've had a very frustrating thing for me to learn when blogs get a template that "readmore" it does not work perfectly.

I also do a variety of ways, by googling the various sites and ultimately the same, failed. I was not discouraged, and keep looking until you find it. and finally succeeded in this way.

it is there "readmore" on pages that can not be opened, even when I click on "readmore" but could not open the page in its entirety, but only partially,
Such events are caused because of "readmore" that does not fit the template, or less than perfect in the addition of java script,

if you ever experienced anything like it, maybe this trick can solve the problem.

remember: this way might not work on all templates

Ok just go ahead, please follow these steps:
1. Departure to Dashboard -> Design -> edit html
2. We recommend that you backup your template first to avoid mistakes
3. Click Expand Widget Templates
4. Find the code like below, (which is similar as below)
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>
<div expr:id='"summary" + data:post.id'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb("summary<data:post.id/>");</script>
<span class='rmlink' style='float:left'><a expr:href='data:post.url'>READ MORE - <data:post.title/></a></span>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if> 
5. After see the code, note the green color code, to eliminate the "readmore" on the page, there is little additional code. see code below, this is the result after adding the code.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
<div expr:id='&quot;summary&quot; + data:post.id'><data:post.body/></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb(&quot;summary<data:post.id/>&quot;);</script>
<span class='rmlink' style='float:left'><a expr:href='data:post.url'>READ MORE - <data:post.title/></a></span>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><data:post.body/></b:if>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;static_page&quot;'>
6. Red code is the code that is added to the code above, note in detail, in addition to adding the code, there is also replaced.
7. good luck and hopefully useful.
9:29 PM | 0 komentar

internet speed test

internet speed test

Internet users usually never feel complained of slow Internet connection speeds, and confused by knowing how fast the Internet connection we're using it.

to cope with all the usual Internet users check or test out how fast the speed of our internet.
speedtest.net is one of the sites to determine the speed of Internet connection used by Internet users to know the speed of our internet connection, the download and upload speeds.
in fact there are still many tricks and tips to increase the speed of our internet connection, but I do not discuss in my post this time, maybe can search on posingan others about how to improve your internet speed.

maybe that's all I can say, may be useful and thank you.
10:03 AM | 1 komentar

what is barcode

how to read online Barcode

this time I do not give a post about "how to trick" but I will give a unique tricks and you may not know, if you already know, I asked for input from you. knowledge sharing is the best thing.

just at the core of my post this time is about "how to read online barcode" I'm sure you already know what a barcode. Barcode is a code that is always present on a product or goods produced in factories.

such as snacks and others.
There are many types and forms of barcode, see the image below:

This is actually not a trick, but there had been an online program to read and create barcodes online

just click the link below to go to an online site barcobe reader.
barcode reader
easy enough, we just enter the address or to submit a picture Query images on our computer
good luck....
to try, please see the code below.

8:58 AM | 1 komentar

free internet

free internet

Have you ever imagined could surf for free as much ...? It must never do, and probably everyone would want it without worry pulses will be exhausted, because with any pulse Rp.0 internet is still running smoothly.
We're here talking about free internet tricks on Hp, not on PCs.

Immediately, Here I use the card "Three (3)", this trick has long looked at and used this trick only runs on the browser of your mobile phone only. But now can be run using the application, and of course applications that modif handler.

Immediately, the trick,

Before that, I'm sorry, to avoid things that are not desirable, I do not explain this trick openly, please solve the code below to find out these free internet tricks.

After I try this trick very smoothly using the application
5 opmin handler click here
and also
opmod42T16handlerUI click here

thank you and Good luck .....

NB: if you feel difficulty in solving the code, please ask by leaving a comment below. or with read-read other related articles
8:46 AM | 0 komentar

How to be approved by google adsense

Written By joeneva on Saturday, June 4, 2011 | 8:51 PM

How to be approved by google adsense
In the previous article, I have explained how to sign up for google adsense through flixya. It is one way for google adsense approved quickly. but apart from that, there are still some way again for approval google adsense with through social networking (as a third party).

this time I will tell you how to be approved by google adsense through docstoc. docstoc is a cheap hosting webs that have been working with google adsense to build the site.

ok .. just
The first step is open www.docstoc.com

if you have an account docstoc subah, please fill out your personal information.
if you do not already have an account docstoc, please click "register".

such as when registering at other social networks. fill all your data, email and password.
after berhasih create account docstoc, please upload a document (doc, pdf, txt, etc) contains an interesting article from. after that, fill out your personal information data up to 100%.

so that maximum results, upload a document again to make it easier to be approved by google adsense. at least 10 documents.

now go google adsense registration stage.
click settings -> doccash -> sign up for doccash -> select "I'd like to set up an AdSense account"

use  new google emai to sign up google adsense.

The next step, is to open your emails, there is an email from google adsense team that asks you to do the verification by clicking the link on to include in an email from google adsense.

for filling address format please go to how to fill the previous article from the correct address.

After step - this step is completed, we are just waiting for a few days to await a decision from google adsense team, accepted or not. One of the tips for the receipt, you "should" upload multiple documents, can be pdf or doc or txt or rtf to Docstoc site in English. Maybe it's just an article that I can give as an alternative to Google Adsense publisher registration, easy - I hope useful for you all. And good luck.
8:51 PM | 4 komentar

Tutorial Reset Keyword

Written By joeneva on Friday, June 3, 2011 | 7:38 PM

Tutorials reset keyword uses Wonderwheel 

In the Internet business building websites, especially Google Adsense and Affiliate, keyword research is the first step you should do in order to find the niche or topic of blogs that match, but the high-low search competitors, to win the battle by mastering certain keyword SERP and SEO.
For all of you who do not have the budget to buy advanced paid tools like Market Samurai and Niche Finder, I suggest using the Google Keyword Research Wonder Wheel as well as practical, I think that the original data from the Google search engine and also to provide diagrams derived keywords and sub- sub keyword is quite interactive.

What's in it use Google's Wonder Wheel? course with keywords generated from there, we had the bright idea for making a post or update the articles continue to focus on niche keywords that your viewfinder. Just imagine you just had a visitor targeted, high CTR and high CPC.
Direct practice only: to which would aim to use English please go to www.google.com
as an example I want to make English-language blogs. Enter suppose a very general keyword "acne" continues to click the "Google Search" Then came the search results from those keywords. you see to the left, click on the link reading "Wonder Wheel" Google's Wonder Wheel will generate keywords in the form of a diagram similar to the spider. For example I want to capture the micro niche (topic specific) example: I click on "Acne Treatment" is loading, wait a while until the Wonder Wheel down again sub-sub keyword.

ok .. please surveys of micro niche in terms of competitors, the value of the CPC and the Global monthly search in


be sure to sign in to your google account, so that the information displayed complete.

In conclusion: find a micro niche that fits your way, build and update websites based on the keyword sub-sub in order to focus on the micro-niche that you aim at. 

thanks agan hopefully useful,
7:38 PM | 6 komentar

Register Google Adsense With Flixya

Written By joeneva on Thursday, June 2, 2011 | 12:45 AM

Register Google Adsense With Flixya
Of how to sign up for google adsense, sign up through flixya which I think is most easily approved. I repeatedly tried to register through other social networks (third party) but still not approved. by signing up through flixya, google adsense acount I have been approved.

for those of you who have never tried to sign up for google adsense through flixya please follow the steps below:
- first, open www.flixya.com
- click "sign up" to register
- fill all your data
- confirm your email

after successfully registering at flixya, immediately fill out your profile and make two article and uploaded 8 pictures. That conten minimum that should be provided to complete registration and begin to register in google adsense.

note: use a new google email (gmail) to register in google adsense

For the next step, open the email that you use to sign up google adsense had to confirm from flixya.
after that you will be directed towards the process of filling out google adsense. fill out the form correctly. use capital letters to fill out a form.

Charging home address is the most important.
format for filling the address is:

address 1: The name of the street, number of house, village, district

notes : without a comma
for examplePEMUDA Street KM.03
if the address does not fit on the first column, put in the second column
 submit all your data
all data entered must be valid
for questions about registration problems in google adsense, please leave comments and suggestions.
good luck 
12:45 AM | 5 komentar

Ping Service

Written By joeneva on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 | 10:30 PM

Ping Service
This time we will discuss how to improve your SEO and traffic using the sevice Ping. what is a ping service? ping service is a service that can submit your blog into a backlink free and well into the tens and even hundreds of other ping services.

If your blog occupies the top spot in search engines such as google, yahoo, msn, and other woods. surely we will get hundreds of free traffic. and this is one way to improve the SEO and traffic to our blog.

To maximize the increase pagerank blog with Service Ping should be used after posting an article and after changing the composition of your blog or website. Maximum once a day, because if there is more we could be considered spamming.

Below are a collection of services that can mensubmitkan ping your blog to hundreds of other ping services.
Immediately submit your blog or web pal service ping on the service below.

  1. http://www.mypagerank.net/service_pingservice_index
  2. http://www.pingler.com/
  3. http://pingomatic.com/
  4. http://pingmyblog.com/
  5. http://autopinger.com/
  6. http://feedshark.brainbliss.com/
  7. http://pingates.com/
  8. http://ping.in/
  9. http://www.kping.com/
  10. http://pingoat.net/
  11. http://ping4free.com/
  12. http://totalping.com/
  13. http://feedping.com/
  14. http://pingler.com/
 how to submit your blog is to enter a blog title and blog URL
remember, the above are not the only way for your blog could lookups by google. there are many other ways. if you have other, more sophisticated way, it would be nice if we share. please leave a comment to share.
thank you and good luck.
10:30 PM | 7 komentar

free template blogger

free template blogger
As in the previous article from that discussed how to improve SEO using templates. here I give some SEO friendly blogger templates and also in the complete meta tags that can facilitate the search engine google to index your blog.

free download blogger.
9:24 PM | 0 komentar

Edit Meta Tag Blog

Edit Meta Tag Blog
Provide meta tags on the blog is one way to improve the SEO of a blog, because with a meta tag, the blog will fast lookups by google. easy google to index your blog with descriptions and keywords that exist in the meta tags of your blog.

if your blog does not have meta tags automatically, you should give your blog in meta tags manually. here I want to tell her how to manually install the meta tags on your blog so your blog is easy lookups by google.

The first thing to do is:

1. Click  Expand Widget template
2. look for code
then put the code below just above that code
 <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
    <meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>
<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='YOUR KEYWORD HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='ROBOTS'/>
<meta content='1 Day' name='Revisit-after'/>
will be formed like this

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
    <meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>
<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='YOUR KEYWORD HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='ROBOTS'/>
<meta content='1 Day' name='Revisit-after'/>

 3. replace the word "DESCRIPTION HERE" in green with a description of your blog.
replace the word "YOUR KEYWORD HERE" in green with a keyword of your blog. writing keywords separated by commas (,)

good luck...
12:08 AM | 1 komentar