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How to be approved by google adsense

Written By joeneva on Saturday, June 4, 2011 | 8:51 PM

How to be approved by google adsense
In the previous article, I have explained how to sign up for google adsense through flixya. It is one way for google adsense approved quickly. but apart from that, there are still some way again for approval google adsense with through social networking (as a third party).

this time I will tell you how to be approved by google adsense through docstoc. docstoc is a cheap hosting webs that have been working with google adsense to build the site.

ok .. just
The first step is open www.docstoc.com

if you have an account docstoc subah, please fill out your personal information.
if you do not already have an account docstoc, please click "register".

such as when registering at other social networks. fill all your data, email and password.
after berhasih create account docstoc, please upload a document (doc, pdf, txt, etc) contains an interesting article from. after that, fill out your personal information data up to 100%.

so that maximum results, upload a document again to make it easier to be approved by google adsense. at least 10 documents.

now go google adsense registration stage.
click settings -> doccash -> sign up for doccash -> select "I'd like to set up an AdSense account"

use  new google emai to sign up google adsense.

The next step, is to open your emails, there is an email from google adsense team that asks you to do the verification by clicking the link on to include in an email from google adsense.

for filling address format please go to how to fill the previous article from the correct address.

After step - this step is completed, we are just waiting for a few days to await a decision from google adsense team, accepted or not. One of the tips for the receipt, you "should" upload multiple documents, can be pdf or doc or txt or rtf to Docstoc site in English. Maybe it's just an article that I can give as an alternative to Google Adsense publisher registration, easy - I hope useful for you all. And good luck.
8:51 PM | 4 komentar

Tutorial Reset Keyword

Written By joeneva on Friday, June 3, 2011 | 7:38 PM

Tutorials reset keyword uses Wonderwheel 

In the Internet business building websites, especially Google Adsense and Affiliate, keyword research is the first step you should do in order to find the niche or topic of blogs that match, but the high-low search competitors, to win the battle by mastering certain keyword SERP and SEO.
For all of you who do not have the budget to buy advanced paid tools like Market Samurai and Niche Finder, I suggest using the Google Keyword Research Wonder Wheel as well as practical, I think that the original data from the Google search engine and also to provide diagrams derived keywords and sub- sub keyword is quite interactive.

What's in it use Google's Wonder Wheel? course with keywords generated from there, we had the bright idea for making a post or update the articles continue to focus on niche keywords that your viewfinder. Just imagine you just had a visitor targeted, high CTR and high CPC.
Direct practice only: to which would aim to use English please go to www.google.com
as an example I want to make English-language blogs. Enter suppose a very general keyword "acne" continues to click the "Google Search" Then came the search results from those keywords. you see to the left, click on the link reading "Wonder Wheel" Google's Wonder Wheel will generate keywords in the form of a diagram similar to the spider. For example I want to capture the micro niche (topic specific) example: I click on "Acne Treatment" is loading, wait a while until the Wonder Wheel down again sub-sub keyword.

ok .. please surveys of micro niche in terms of competitors, the value of the CPC and the Global monthly search in


be sure to sign in to your google account, so that the information displayed complete.

In conclusion: find a micro niche that fits your way, build and update websites based on the keyword sub-sub in order to focus on the micro-niche that you aim at. 

thanks agan hopefully useful,
7:38 PM | 6 komentar

Register Google Adsense With Flixya

Written By joeneva on Thursday, June 2, 2011 | 12:45 AM

Register Google Adsense With Flixya
Of how to sign up for google adsense, sign up through flixya which I think is most easily approved. I repeatedly tried to register through other social networks (third party) but still not approved. by signing up through flixya, google adsense acount I have been approved.

for those of you who have never tried to sign up for google adsense through flixya please follow the steps below:
- first, open www.flixya.com
- click "sign up" to register
- fill all your data
- confirm your email

after successfully registering at flixya, immediately fill out your profile and make two article and uploaded 8 pictures. That conten minimum that should be provided to complete registration and begin to register in google adsense.

note: use a new google email (gmail) to register in google adsense

For the next step, open the email that you use to sign up google adsense had to confirm from flixya.
after that you will be directed towards the process of filling out google adsense. fill out the form correctly. use capital letters to fill out a form.

Charging home address is the most important.
format for filling the address is:

address 1: The name of the street, number of house, village, district

notes : without a comma
for examplePEMUDA Street KM.03
if the address does not fit on the first column, put in the second column
 submit all your data
all data entered must be valid
for questions about registration problems in google adsense, please leave comments and suggestions.
good luck 
12:45 AM | 5 komentar

Ping Service

Written By joeneva on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 | 10:30 PM

Ping Service
This time we will discuss how to improve your SEO and traffic using the sevice Ping. what is a ping service? ping service is a service that can submit your blog into a backlink free and well into the tens and even hundreds of other ping services.

If your blog occupies the top spot in search engines such as google, yahoo, msn, and other woods. surely we will get hundreds of free traffic. and this is one way to improve the SEO and traffic to our blog.

To maximize the increase pagerank blog with Service Ping should be used after posting an article and after changing the composition of your blog or website. Maximum once a day, because if there is more we could be considered spamming.

Below are a collection of services that can mensubmitkan ping your blog to hundreds of other ping services.
Immediately submit your blog or web pal service ping on the service below.

  1. http://www.mypagerank.net/service_pingservice_index
  2. http://www.pingler.com/
  3. http://pingomatic.com/
  4. http://pingmyblog.com/
  5. http://autopinger.com/
  6. http://feedshark.brainbliss.com/
  7. http://pingates.com/
  8. http://ping.in/
  9. http://www.kping.com/
  10. http://pingoat.net/
  11. http://ping4free.com/
  12. http://totalping.com/
  13. http://feedping.com/
  14. http://pingler.com/
 how to submit your blog is to enter a blog title and blog URL
remember, the above are not the only way for your blog could lookups by google. there are many other ways. if you have other, more sophisticated way, it would be nice if we share. please leave a comment to share.
thank you and good luck.
10:30 PM | 7 komentar

free template blogger

free template blogger
As in the previous article from that discussed how to improve SEO using templates. here I give some SEO friendly blogger templates and also in the complete meta tags that can facilitate the search engine google to index your blog.

free download blogger.
9:24 PM | 0 komentar

Edit Meta Tag Blog

Edit Meta Tag Blog
Provide meta tags on the blog is one way to improve the SEO of a blog, because with a meta tag, the blog will fast lookups by google. easy google to index your blog with descriptions and keywords that exist in the meta tags of your blog.

if your blog does not have meta tags automatically, you should give your blog in meta tags manually. here I want to tell her how to manually install the meta tags on your blog so your blog is easy lookups by google.

The first thing to do is:

1. Click  Expand Widget template
2. look for code
then put the code below just above that code
 <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
    <meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>
<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='YOUR KEYWORD HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='ROBOTS'/>
<meta content='1 Day' name='Revisit-after'/>
will be formed like this

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
    <meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>
<meta content='DESCRIPTION HERE' name='description'/>
<meta content='YOUR KEYWORD HERE' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='ROBOTS'/>
<meta content='1 Day' name='Revisit-after'/>

 3. replace the word "DESCRIPTION HERE" in green with a description of your blog.
replace the word "YOUR KEYWORD HERE" in green with a keyword of your blog. writing keywords separated by commas (,)

good luck...
12:08 AM | 1 komentar