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Register for Google Adsense

Written By joeneva on Tuesday, May 31, 2011 | 10:39 PM

Register for Google Adsense
To register for google adsense can be said easily and also can be said is difficult. why can wrap easily and also can be hard to say? because of the many people who tried to register in google adsense, mostly in decline. requirements that created the part of the google more and more and more complicated due to the increasing potential applicants google adsense.

If you are a beginner blogger and try to sign up google adsense direct, immediate definitely on the decline. because of the google wants only a master publisher who has a blog with good content that can get a google acount adsense. that is what I say is hard to get google adsense acount.
I say easy to sign up for google adsense is still no third party that makes it easy for us to get google adsense acount. of social networking that has been working with google adsense make it easy for us to get google adsense acount if we complement the existing requirements on the social networking, it was one easy way to be accepted by google adsense.
many social networking has been working with google adsense, like indyarocks, flixya, docstoc. etc. if you feel able to register directly from google adsense can too. but for beginner bloggers difficult to be accepted by google.
Please choose which do you think is easy. for tutorials and how to apply google adsense from social networking please click the link below. Register for google adsense from:

1. flixya

2. indyarocks

3. docstoc

good luck....
10:39 PM | 0 komentar

Free One Way Backlink

Written By joeneva on Friday, May 27, 2011 | 10:18 PM

Free One Way Backlink
Have backlinks on blogs is a matter which must be owned by a blogger to make his blog as a blog SEO friendly. why not? because the handle links by using backlinks, can make our blogs at the top of the search on google. but not all backlinks can make our blogs into SEO, quality backlinks is what gives the important role of all this. one of them is with a "one way backlinks".

now I will give you a way how to submit your blog to enter a quality one way backlinks.

follow these steps :

1. Direct site open http://www.onewayseolinks.com or just click here to register 
2. then enter name, email address and password.
3. Open your email, there's a confirmation link while logged into Oneway page SEO Links.com.
4. Login with your name, email address with the password during the registration earlier.

Then to start building OneWayLink do follow these steps:

  •      Then click Submit.
  •      Now click and select Project pal direktories earlier from the drop-down menu to load all the directory, tungguin patiently until the show all the directories with information PR 4 to PR 0 (there are approximately 275 sites).
  •      Furthermore, if bloggers want to click on Directories (sites will open in new window) and submit your blog site manually.
  •      Once completed submit your site, click Mark As Submitted.
  •      Insert Anchor Text (eg the title used in the delivery of the directory) and click submit.
10:18 PM | 11 komentar

increase traffic with templates

increase traffic with templates
apart from banklink and social bookmarking to increase traffic and SEO of a blog that is by choosing a great template and fit with the title and theme of the blog to our blog can be more SEO friendly.

why with a good teplate can increase traffic?
because with a good tempale, visitors feel more at home to read articles and frequently visit our blog again.

tricks to choose a template.
- select a template SEO friendly
- dominant in white color
- when loading the template light
- a header <h1>
- and many others.

here you can download the various templates are nice and SEO friendly.
free template blogger.
blogger templates.
9:52 PM | 2 komentar

Alexa Booster

Written By joeneva on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 | 7:14 AM

Alexa Booster

To improve the page rank and SEO of a blog can use various tricks and how, can use banklink of quality blogs or social booksmark from having a good pagerank and dofollow. for beginners blogs or new blogs that made ​​it rather difficult to increase blog traffic, so it must have been many attempts to advertise these blogs and blog traffic so that it becomes good.

no need to worry for beginner bloggers to increase blog traffic because here I will give you tricks to increase blog traffic quickly. do not need a lot of visitors, because with this softwere our blog will have high traffic and of course from a variety of proxy.

just ok. softwere name is "Alexa Booster". with this softwere blog we can have high traffic. we just live our blog address and wait until the process is complete.

softwere It can be downloaded free from the service provider or download alexa booster here to get the softwere. advantage of this softwere is able to rapidly increasing traffic of various kinds of proxies, and IP.

how to use it fairly easily.
- install the application as usual
- enter your blog address or wibesite
- follow the instructions
- wait until the process is complete

good luck
7:14 AM | 1 komentar

Backlink from Sosial Bookmark

Written By joeneva on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 | 5:14 PM

Backlink from Sosial Bookmark
believe it or not, one of the pagerank formula is and outbound links, and if we are sharing our link to social bookmarking, it will become our web inbound links, so the more we are sharing to social bookmarking or social media will be more profitable for our website, nah The following are some of the social web a list of bookmarks,

1. http://sosial-media.tk
2. http://infogue.com
3. http://yournews.astaga.com
4. http://kilasan.com
5. http://disuka.com
6. http://www.antarblog.com
7. http://kafeinfo.com
8. http://yehiapress.org
9. http://memburu.info
10. http://www.indofeed.com
11. http://bookmarking.kombes.com
12. http://bookmarkindo.com/id
13. http://www.indokami.com
14. http://definisi.net
15. http://kliksite.com
16. http://www.liputankhusus.com
17. http://dagdigdug.com
18. http://www.tentang.net
19. http://www.primaironline.com/ ext
20. http://www.indeksberita.com
21. http://www.beritahusaya.com
22. http://www.indobookmark.com
23. http://nowbookmark.info
24. http://gdbug.info
25. http://bookmarking.bloggerceria.info
5:14 PM | 3 komentar

10 social bookmarking

Below there are 10 social bookmarking sites are good and suitable to improve the SEO blogs.
  1. Delicious.com
  2. Digg.com
  3. Reddit.com
  4. Mixx.com
  5. Stumbleupon.com
  6. Blinklist.com
  7. Dzone.com
  8. Bibsonomy.org
  9. Dropjack.com
  10. Wikio.com
7:37 AM | 0 komentar

Understanding Backlinks

Understanding Backlinks
Backlink is a link that is prepared script containing the address of a website / blog, which were mounted to a particular site. Why do we have to build a backlink? because the backlink itself has benefits to increase our page rank in a search engine such as Google, Yahoo, Ask etc..
Internet network in the world is often called "the web" or the term net profit - profit. The net profit - profit is formed by a thread - thread that created by the laba2. When the greater width of broad net profit - profit, the total number of prey that would be obtained even greater.

The picture that illustrated how can I make it where the backlink system works on the internet. Suppose our website we URLs net profit - profit. While we assume backlinks yarn - yarn net. Denagan extensive network of backlinks that it is directly proportional to the status of our page rank. The larger jarinagn our backlinks the higher the Pagerank that we get.To get a certain page rank we need a certain page rank backlinks from a number of [... ] Backlinks. Suppose we want to get a pagerank 5.To Get a PageRank 5 requires a backlink from a page rank third as much as 555 backlinks. To Get a PageRank 5 requires a backlink from a pagerank 6 number 3 backlinks.

Backlink alone there are 3 types: 
1. Backlink one direction: where the link is obtained from a website or blog while on our site does not provide a link to a website or blog. Suppose you were to comment on another website or blog, create a signature in forum discussions, backlinks from classified ads for free, and others.

2. Backlink two directions: either call each link, or exchange links. Where our website provides links to other sites, and sites of others and even then provide a link to our site.

3. or Three Way Links, where links are formed from three sites. For example, site A links to site B, site B provides links to site C, site C gives a link to A. Backlink like this is rather hard to come by, unless we use the services of SEO or create a bond between the owner of a web or block to create this three-way Links.Or it could be with a dummy blog, you have created three blogs, continues to create this three-way link.

Of the three types of backlinks on Which is best? answer of course is a one-way backlinks, but the quality. What I mean here is a quality backlinkone direction obtained from the web or blog hight pagerank and dofollow. The important thing here is dofollow, why? Because the links from sites that dofollow is what is considered by search engines, if links from sites that we can nofollow it's useless even if a high pagerank site but does not provide significant benefits for our blog.

You can check the Page Rank of your site here http://www.diagnosticoweb.com/ or http://www.prchecker.info/check_page_rank.php.Fatherly know backlink contained in or nglink to other sites you can use this site http://www.prchecker.info/check_page_rank.php
 good luck....
4:30 AM | 0 komentar

collection of social bookmarking site

collection of social bookmarking site
one effort to improve the quality SEO blog is to register your blog to various social bookmarking site, but not just any register your blog to a social bookmarking. it would be nice if you choose and register your blog on a social bookmarking which has good quality and high page rank value.
Here are some social bookmarking site for free and also has a page rank that is pretty good.

social bookmarks from Indonesia

1. LintasBerita. PR 4
2. InfoGue. PR 4
3. MemburuInfo. PR 2
4. Debuk. PR 4
5. Indofeed. PR 3
6. Kombes. PR 4
7. Qaafe. PR 4
8. BeritahuSaya. PR 4
9. Negeriku. PR 2
10. Populerkan. PR 1
11. Indokami. PR 2
12. LiputanKhusus. PR 3
13. Bagikan. PR 1
14. BookmarkDofollow. PR 4
15. DuniaBeritaTerkini. PR 2
16. Berita Saya. PR 1
17. SitusPortal. PR 3
18. Bookmarking.BloggerCeria. PR 1
19. Bookmark Indonesia. PR 2

1. Dofollow social bookmarking
2. Sajikan dofollow
3. Lintas berita dofollow
4. Infogue dofollow
5. Beritague dofollow
6. Thumblike dofollow
7. Memburu Info dofollow
8. Sundul Berita Dofollow
9. Liputan Khusus nofollow
10. Antarblog dofollow
11. Kombes dofollow
12. Yournews Astaga dofollow
13. Dunia berita terkini dofollow
14. Situs portal
15. debuk dofollow
16. Directory Blogbareng nofollow
17. Indobookmark nofollow
18. Yebooo nofollow
19. Indokami nofollow
20. Bagikan dofollow
21. Satu portal
22. PPostingku dofollow
23. Bookmark dofollow dofollow
24. Bookmark indonesia dofollow
25. Cherianews dofollow
26. Dofollow Bookmarksites
27. Dofollowdigg dofollow
28. Qaafe nofollow
29. Indofeed nofollow
30. i.88db
31. Sosialbookmark.cz.cc dofollow
32. Sosialbookmark.co.cc dofollow
33. Myblogpost dofollow
34. Kejar Tayang dofollow
35. Bookmark Terapost
36. Boookmark Delaynews
37. Cakraningrat dofollow
38. Kafeinfo dofollow
39. Beritahusaya dofollow
40. Disuka dofollow
41. Definisi dofollow
42. Populerkan nofollow
43. Negeriku dofollow
44. Bookmarking Bloggerceria
45. Duzz
46. Sekilas info
4:27 AM | 3 komentar

What is SEO?

Written By joeneva on Monday, May 16, 2011 | 2:43 AM

What is SEO?
(search engine optimizaton) or commonly called SEO is an attempt to increase the volume and quality of traffic to a blog or a website from search engines to specific sites by utilizing the natural mechanisms, for example: backlinks or social bookmarking site that already has high-quality SEO and page rank good.

 The purpose of SEO is clear that our web / blog is always in front page and top of a search engine, so that by always on, it becomes apparent that our web / blog frequented.
there are various tricks to increase traffic and SEO, can use the backlink and also register on the social bookmarking site
mechanism of a search engine can not be predicted correctly. Many factors and conditions that we can not know about, so SEO has always been a mystery that is very interesting to learn. But there are some steps we can do in order to become a better ranking in search engines:

     Hosting a stable and uptime> 99%

     Keyword Sugestion

     Build Link

     A good domain name

And several other supporting factors very much if mentioned. There are many sites that discuss the problem of SEO, not just on SEO experts, but there is also the master of SEO, or even in the field of SEO Newbie
2:43 AM | 3 komentar